New answers to Gold Leaf vs Painted Crosses and Domes

Gold leafing a cross or dome and painting one are two different techniques that can produce different aesthetic outcomes. Here are some considerations for each technique:

Gold leafing a cross:

– Gold leafing involves applying a thin layer of gold to a surface. Gold leaf can create a highly reflective surface that catches and reflects light in a unique way.

– Gold leafing can be more expensive and time-consuming than painting, as it requires specialized materials and techniques.

– A gold leafed cross can have a more traditional and ornate look, which can be appropriate for certain styles of churches and religious traditions.

– Gold leafing also has the benefit of being highly durable and long-lasting, which can be important for crosses that are exposed to the elements.

Painting a cross:

– Painting a cross can be a more cost-effective and efficient technique than gold leafing. It can also offer more versatility in terms of color options and styles.

– Painted metallic finishes are typically subject to oxidation and fading and lose their brillance.

– Painting can be a good option for crosses that are meant to blend in with the surrounding decor, or for churches with a more contemporary style.

– However, painted crosses may not have the same level of durability and longevity as gold leafed crosses, particularly if they are exposed to harsh environmental conditions.


Inspired Heights has been working with new alternatives that give churches the best of gold leafing and with the convenience of painting. Their are now metallic paints that create the metallic look by using mica particles rather than the old steel flakes that rust and oxidize. This finish gives the appearance of a gold finish that will last for years. Another option is a genuine 22k gold leaf that is adhered on like a tape. These options are just another example of how Inspired Heights is keeping up with the dynamics of new products used in the church and steeple restoration field.